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Love Story

Rasha Mourtada's story placed first in University of Toronto Magazine's Alumni Short Story and Poetry Contest

France August 1992

Brigid Elson's poem placed second in U of T Magazine's Alumni Short Story and Poetry Contest

A Shiver of Recognition

The best stories and poems reveal something about human experience that hasn't occurred to us before

Zoologist Maydianne Andrade

Dangerous Liaisons

Zoologist Maydianne Andrade makes an intriguing discovery about the bizarre mating habits of redback spiders

Team Players

Through Project Blue, alumni and friends are creating a 
level playing field for student athletes

Animal Instincts

The evolution of zoology. From an ex-minister who denounced Darwin to today's research juggernaut, zoology at U of T has come a long way in 150 years. And just look where it's going now

Paddle Power

The adventures of the U of T Outing Club think nothing of canoeing across Toronto's inner harbour. They also hike, bike, ski and otherwise challenge the great outdoors in any way they can

Love Changes All

Battles of the sexes are common in the animal world, especially when it comes to mating

Stamp of Honour

A.G. Huntsman Award will be given to an outstanding zoology graduate student