
Two photos shot in a studio against a light grey background: Kinnon MacKinnon (left), in a white and grey-polka-dotted short-sleeved, button-up shirt and black-framed glasses with a tattoo on his left bicep, and Cassandra Williams, in a black T-shirt with a white print illustration, wearing a lip ring and her long brown hair draped over one shoulder.

Generation T

For trans students at U of T, the fight for rights and equality is about much more than just washrooms

Photo of Bruce Kidd by Liam Sharp

A Life in Blue and White

From champion student athlete to UTSC’s principal: Bruce Kidd ushers in a new era at the university’s eastern campus

Photo of woman with a megaphone at a protest.

Revolutionary Road

Forty years ago, an intrepid group of professors and students sparked progress for women across U of T

Professor Ken Bartlett engages students with a variety of narrative

A Constant Quest

For these five professors, great teaching is less about supplying a "magic" answer than encouraging students to ask the right questions

The CEO’s Dilemma

A U of T institute believes companies can be socially responsible without sacrificing profits

Young Achievers

They're smart, creative, successful and ambitious. Meet the next generation of Canadian leaders

Colin McAdam

Author's first book is being credited with "reinvigorating" Canadian fiction

Darlene Lim

Researcher aims to determine whether lakes once existed on Mars

Ariel Garten

Fashion designer incorporates psychology into her creations

Allison Prole

Student Affairs

Donor contributions have helped make watershed changes to the student experience. How? Here are just a few of the thousands of stories

Team Players

Through Project Blue, alumni and friends are creating a 
level playing field for student athletes

A Tale of Two Campuses

Suburban knock-offs no more, Mississauga and Scarborough are rapidly emerging as distinct institutions with their own unique approaches to teaching and research

Fighting Words

Hart House debating has prepared generations of U of T students for the rigours of academe, politics, and the law. More important, it reassures anxious frosh that it's cool to be smart

Daniel Brooks

Star Turns: Daniel Brooks

"Originality can only happen when one begins with love of individual expression and allows it to lead to collective expression."

William Hutt

Star Turns: William Hutt

"I saw this hemorrhaging of talent across the border. If everyone left, we would never have a cultural picture in this country."

School Ties

Competitive? Talented? Intense? All that and more. They met their equals at U of T and have stayed connected throughout their celebrated careers

Reality Knocks

The educational system may have given up on them, but these students never gave up on education. The Transitional Year Programme helped them achieve their dreams

Road Sage

Put away your aggression and stop leaning on that horn! Baher Abdulhai's research shows that the average commute time in the GTA can be reduced by 50 per cent

The Age of Dissent

Socialists, peaceniks, feminists, rabble-rousers: They came in search of an education. They left having taught the old school a thing or two

An Intellectual Emergency

In the month following the horror of September 11, and 20 years after her frosh year, writer Margaret Webb returns to U of T, again seeking understanding of the world

Young Offenders

Admit it. You find impressive young people irritating. Prepare to be bugged. Here is the University of Toronto Magazine's first-ever list of alumni 40 and under who are taking the world by storm

The Sorcerer

Since leaving tax law, David Ben has become one of the world's greatest sleight-of-hand artists