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Black and white photo of Jiavet Ealom in a long black overcoat standing knee-deep in an open body of water with his hands in his pockets.

Journey to Freedom

The inspiring and courageous story of fourth-year student Jaivet Ealom, who fled a brutal regime and found refuge in Canada

Close up of Prof. Caroline Shenaz Hossein, in a black cardigan with a grey flower pattern, wearing a large bronze pendant

Doors Open

A new network will support research excellence, mentorship and collaboration among Black scholars at U of T

Photo of front campus field and Convocation Hall with flower emoji illustrations floating above

Clearing the Air

U of T wants to drastically cut carbon emissions by 2050. It’s enlisting on-campus ingenuity for help

Illustration of brick walls with a number of national flags on them. Hands and feet are breaking through the walls in different directions.

The New Nationalism

Around the world, anti-immigrant autocrats are on the rise. Defeating them – and what they stand for – won’t be easy

Photo of Beverley Johnston with hands out and a mallet in the air

Drumming Up Support

Music grad Beverley Johnston honours her late father with a fellowship for percussion students

Ruling the Pool

Olympic-bound Kylie Masse’s extraordinary ascent to the top of women’s swimming

Prof. Jooyoung Lee (left) with rapper Big Flossy

Rap Dreams

Where gangs rule, hip hop is a strongly positive force for youth, study finds

Photo of Susan Bissell

The Children’s Crusader

One billion kids experience violence worldwide each year. Susan Bissell has devoted her life to ending the abuse

Group photo of fitness co-ordinator Laurie Wright, project co-ordinator Ryan Howes, and career counsellor Ruth Louden

Healthy Minds

As U of T responds to a rise in mental health needs on campus, a powerful source of help emerges: students themselves

Photo of Ali Saeed.

Ali Saeed – In Memoriam

The ambitious student’s sudden death rocked his wide circle of friends and inspired many to emulate his generosity

Photo of David Naylor

A Great Cause

David Naylor talks about the past eight years and his plans for the future

Photo of Emily Hunter

Activism 2.0

While on a mission to save the Borneo rainforest, Emily Hunter realized environmentalism needs a rethink

Life on Earth, Mars and Beyond

The inaugural Toronto Science Festival, hosted by U of T, will feature leading scientists addressing fundamental questions about human existence

Image of a tower behind a Euro symbol covered in stars

Europe’s Debt Troubles

With the markets betting on a Greek default, and the situation in Spain deteriorating, a second global financial crisis looms

Photo Courtesy of Alexandra Borowik

Vaulting to Fame

Gymnast Alexandra Borowik was one of 12 Varsity Blues athletes inducted recently into the U of T Sports Hall of Fame

Photo Courtesy of Frank Horvat

Green Keys

Frank Horvat plays piano in the dark to raise awareness of environmental issues