The Melody Lingers On - University of Toronto Magazine
University of Toronto Magazine University of Toronto Magazine

The Melody Lingers On

Jazz scholarship will assist a first-year student in the Faculty of Music Read More

A new scholarship memorializing late Canadian jazz great Moe Koffman was announced in a unique way: at a free noon-hour concert during last summer’s Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival. The Moe Koffman Memorial Jazz Scholarship at U of T will assist a first-year student in the Faculty of Music jazz studies program. The scholarship is being funded through a series of annual concerts by the Canadian Jazz All-Stars, a group of accomplished jazz artists led by trombonist Russ Little (BMus 1967). The inaugural concert was held in September at the Montreal Bistro in Toronto and raised more than $7,000. Koffman died last March at the age of 73.

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