Accolades - University of Toronto Magazine
University of Toronto Magazine University of Toronto Magazine


Random House of Canada Student Award in Writing and Order of Canada inductees Read More

Amanda Quibell (BA VIC 1997, MA 1998) is the winner of the second Random House of Canada Student Award in Writing. Quibell wrote her story for the Independent Writers’ Workshop course at the School of Continuing Studies at U of T. “A Long Way from Your Heart” is a 4,000-word story about the emotional distance between a young girl and her mother who does not read to her.

Five U of T members have been appointed to the Order of Canada. Professor emeritus Gerald Helleiner (BA 1958 VIC) of economics has been named an officer for his work in Canada and Africa promoting the interests of developing countries. Professor emeritus Robert Volpé (MD 1950) of medicine was named an officer for highlighting the role of specialized cells of the immune system in thyroid disease. The following were named members of the order: Harald Bohne, former director of U of T Press, who has played a major role in developing the Canadian publishing industry; professor emeritus Derek Holman of music, a “passionate and inspiring” teacher to a generation of Canadian composers; and Dr. F. Griffith Pearson (MD 1949, BSc 1952), who helped establish thoracic surgery as a medical discipline.

Prof. Phil Nimmons, director emeritus of jazz studies, received the prize for best clarinetist at the 2003 National Jazz Awards in January.

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