
Digital illustration of lockbox containing a blue face and a yellow key made up of pixels. There is a small opening on the left side of the box, with a trail of blue pixels outside the opening.

Safety First

AI has developed faster than anyone thought. Will it serve humanity’s best interests?

Photo of Susan Bissell

The Children’s Crusader

One billion kids experience violence worldwide each year. Susan Bissell has devoted her life to ending the abuse

Courtesy Aldeli Alban Reyna

Conversations for Change

Aldeli Albán Reyna is excited to share her work, on improving the status of Indigenous Canadians, at the United Nations

Photos of professors with pie on their faces.

Pie a Prof

In vying to escape a sticky situation, six political science profs raise $13,700 for child refugees in Jordan

Close-up headshot of Dr. James Orbinski, wearing a blue-striped scarf, against a dark grey background

A Doctor in Kigali

Dr. James Orbinski served as head mission for Doctors Without Borders during the Rwandan Genocide. What he saw there transformed him

Samantha Nutt, wearing a black T-shirt and pants, stands in front of a wall filled with rows of photos of African children.

Witness to War

While visiting Somalia in 1995, doctor and U of T professor Samantha Nutt experienced the hardship and rawness of bloodshed. Now, the founder of War Child Canada says she's "driven every day” to help children harmed by conflict

Eye in the Sky

Ophthalmologist James Oestreicher circles the globe to treat patients in a converted DC-10