U of T has once again placed high in the most prestigious international university rankings, which are released every fall. The university, for example, edged up one spot to 19th in the Times Higher Education (THE) global rankings – despite the fact that THE doubled the number of institutions it rated this year (800 worldwide) – and continues to hold the No. 1 spot in Canada. It also ranked 11th in the world in research, and 23rd internationally in teaching. “These results demonstrate the University of Toronto’s stature as Canada’s top university and as one of the world’s great institutions of higher learning,” says President Meric Gertler. “It’s a tribute to U of T’s excellence in research and teaching. Our faculty, staff and students are doing cutting-edge work in virtually every field.”
The QS World University Rankings included a new methodology that attempts to equalize citation performance across all disciplines. The new framework resulted in a drop in the rank of U of T and all Canadian universities with medical schools. The result is an anomaly compared with U of T’s top 25 or higher placement in all other major international rankings.
In the U.S. News & World Report rankings, U of T placed among the world’s top 10 in arts and humanities, clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology, and space science.