Research & Ideas

Illustration of a brain made of chain

Untangling Alzheimer’s

A U of T centre is hunting down the genes that cause this debilitating brain illness, and moving us closer to a cure

God’s Laboratory

This spring, an international team of physicists, including several from U of T, will launch the most ambitious science experiment ever devised. Their goal: to unlock the secrets of the universe

Nutrition in a Bottle

Food Engineering Group is creating a drink that will provide protein, vitamins and micronutrients

Urban Legend

Celebrated American academic Richard Florida heads up the new Martin Prosperity Institute at U of T

About Face

A popular social networking website is changing how students interact

A Bad Wrap

Food packaging is a potential source of chemicals in the bloodstream

Illustration of Leonardo DiCaprio

Cause Celeb

Do Hollywood stars change the public's perception of issues?

Can a Brain Change?

Dr. Norman Doidge argues that the brain is far more malleable than previously thought

Under the Toronto Sun

U of T teams with ARISE and Portlands Energy Centre to design the city's first solar power research facility

Cancer Killer

Implant infused with drugs can treat ovarian cancer, minus the chemo side effects

Show of Faith

U of T's ecclesiastic alphabet once began and ended with "A" for Anglican, but now embraces everyone from Ahmadis to Zenists

Trash Talk

Can new technology make Toronto's garbage problem disappear?

Poplar Science

An international team has decoded the genetic sequence of a tree

Enemies of the State

In her book Villa Bel-Air, Rosemary Sullivan asks why totalitarian regimes are so afraid of art

Flash Physics

Prof's online animations help students prepare for experiments

Last Neanderthals on Earth

Adjunct professor Clive Finlayson found that Neanderthals survived thousands of years longer than previously believed - in Gorham's Cave in Gibralter

Illustration of a schoolchild

School Ties

Research by child development professor Carl Corter shows that providing daycare at elementary schools benefits children, parents and teachers


Teens use a lot of instant messaging terms, but not in spoken conversation, study finds

The Nature of Things

Robert Bateman, 76, talks about wildlife art, conservation and the joys of painting predators

Illustration of a man sorting through a trash bin while behind another person looks into house with binoculars.

Life Ever After

Years of university – then what? As John Fraser discovered, first jobs can lead in unexpected directions

Freedom to Surf

The Citizen Lab at the Munk Centre takes on growing worldwide Internet censorship and surveillance

What Prejudice Does

Belonging to a stigmatized group reduces the self-control students use regulate to their behaviour

Early Warning

"Flake Awake" takes first prize in the Idea Competition sponsored by the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering