In This Issue
Show of Faith
U of T's ecclesiastic alphabet once began and ended with "A" for Anglican, but now embraces everyone from Ahmadis to Zenists
Days of Service
The benefits of volunteering
The Alumni Connection
There are many ways for alumni to stay engaged with U of T
Second-year student David Topping turns TTC stations into art
Remembrance of Things Past
Margaret MacMillan examines a week that changed the world
A Sustainable Peace
U of T's chaplain launches a week to question the very idea of war
To Catch a (Bike) Thief
"Bike bait" program uses GPS technology to track stolen property
Fresh Obsessed
U of T to bring local farmers' produce to campus
Author Wins Order
Professor George Elliott Clarke receives Nova Scotia honour
Poplar Science
An international team has decoded the genetic sequence of a tree
Enemies of the State
In her book Villa Bel-Air, Rosemary Sullivan asks why totalitarian regimes are so afraid of art
Flash Physics
Prof's online animations help students prepare for experiments
The Vegan Advantage
Vegetable diet a healthy choice for Type 2 diabetics, study finds
Last Neanderthals on Earth
Adjunct professor Clive Finlayson found that Neanderthals survived thousands of years longer than previously believed - in Gorham's Cave in Gibralter
School Ties
Research by child development professor Carl Corter shows that providing daycare at elementary schools benefits children, parents and teachers
Courage to Come Back
Social worker Cheryl Peever shatters stigmas of mental health and substance dependence
Guitar Hero
Jowi Taylor tours with unique instrument composed of 64 symbols of Canadian culture
Activism at the AGM
Craig Keilburger urges community service for students
UTAA Roll Call
Announcing the 2006-07 board of directors
Medical Grad Wins Giller Prize
Vincent Lam's first book wins major award
Making Peace
Donation gives students of social change opportunity to work in Sri Lanka
Alumni Leave Their Mark on Con Hall
Mirvishes dedicate three seats
A Grand Gesture
New scholarship will support students of classical piano
Toronto Developer Backs Future Urban Designers
Students will travel to Latin American cities to gain new perspectives
Munk Centre Receives $5 Million Endowment
Gift will create new programs
Clock Wise
The Hipp chronoscope enabled scientists to assess how quickly people respond to stimuli