Winter 2007

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U of T Magazine edition Winter 2007

In This Issue

Show of Faith

U of T's ecclesiastic alphabet once began and ended with "A" for Anglican, but now embraces everyone from Ahmadis to Zenists

Poplar Science

An international team has decoded the genetic sequence of a tree

Enemies of the State

In her book Villa Bel-Air, Rosemary Sullivan asks why totalitarian regimes are so afraid of art

Flash Physics

Prof's online animations help students prepare for experiments

Last Neanderthals on Earth

Adjunct professor Clive Finlayson found that Neanderthals survived thousands of years longer than previously believed - in Gorham's Cave in Gibralter

Illustration of a schoolchild

School Ties

Research by child development professor Carl Corter shows that providing daycare at elementary schools benefits children, parents and teachers

Guitar Hero

Jowi Taylor tours with unique instrument composed of 64 symbols of Canadian culture

Making Peace

Donation gives students of social change opportunity to work in Sri Lanka

Photo of a clock

Clock Wise

The Hipp chronoscope enabled scientists to assess how quickly people respond to stimuli