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Dollars & Sense

Deans, directors and principals report on how your campaign money has been put to work to create a better U of T

Helping Hands

An astonishing 112,819 donors gave to the Campaign for the University of Toronto. Here, a few explain why they contributed so generously

Team Players

Through Project Blue, alumni and friends are creating a 
level playing field for student athletes

A Place in the Sun

Come ride with U of T's solar car racing team, cutting-edge crusaders for a cleaner future

Paths to Peace

At a time of international tension, U of T scholars are leading the search for alternatives to terror and war

Road Test

Five U of T students get a lesson in civics, life and tolerance

Doyenne of Diversity

As U of T’s 31st chancellor, Senator Vivienne Poy will serve as the university’s ceremonial head – and as a unique role model for students


Alumni named to the Order of Canada

Reality Knocks

The educational system may have given up on them, but these students never gave up on education. The Transitional Year Programme helped them achieve their dreams

Road Sage

Put away your aggression and stop leaning on that horn! Baher Abdulhai's research shows that the average commute time in the GTA can be reduced by 50 per cent

A Feast of Thought

These 20 thinkers brought their stunning intellect to U of T's table and enlivened the world of ideas

Curing Injustice

Brilliant and determined, three U of T trailblazers challenged the prejudices of their day and changed the profession of medicine

The Troubled Healer

In his tireless quest to conquer contagious diseases, John Gerald FitzGerald, architect of Canada's modern public health system, sacrificed his own health – indeed, his life

The Age of Dissent

Socialists, peaceniks, feminists, rabble-rousers: They came in search of an education. They left having taught the old school a thing or two

Three of the women who graduated from University College in 1885, members of the first graduating class that included women: from left to right, Margaret Langley, May Bell Bald, and Ella Gardiner. Two daughters of the Globe publisher George Brown, Margaret and Catherine, also graduated in 1885, but their pictures were not included in the composite.

Fairly Determined

Members of the so-called gentler sex were banned from attending classes until 1884. But once women set foot in the classroom, there was no stopping them

An Intellectual Emergency

In the month following the horror of September 11, and 20 years after her frosh year, writer Margaret Webb returns to U of T, again seeking understanding of the world

Doctor on Call

Between her teaching and her practice, Dr. Miriam Rossi has dispensed a huge dose of guidance and inspiration to minority students

Illustration of a medieval monk talking in old english to a man with a spear and helmet

Lodes of Culture

U of T researchers are unearthing the A-Æ-B-Cs of cultural history from medieval times to the present

Malcolm Gladwell

There Are No Small Potatoes

To New Yorker scribe Malcolm Gladwell, little things make a huge difference. Right now, he has his eye on his next big idea – french fries

Samuel McLaughlin, shown at his desk in 1954

A Driving Force

The R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre will fuel genetic solutions for the prevention and treatment of disease

Photo of Bob Birgeneau

A Class Reunion

The kid who used to wow adults with his math prowess has returned from the halls of Yale, Oxford and MIT to take on the presidency of his Alma Mater. For Bob Birgeneau, coming home could be his greatest challenge yet

The Cast of Presidents

From dramatic to subtle, 13 men have given us their interpretation of the leading role at U of T


Alumni who exemplify the positive roles individuals can play in communities