The Age of Dissent

Socialists, peaceniks, feminists, rabble-rousers: They came in search of an education. They left having taught the old school a thing or two

An Intellectual Emergency

In the month following the horror of September 11, and 20 years after her frosh year, writer Margaret Webb returns to U of T, again seeking understanding of the world

Arron Dack (1961-2001)

Testimony to Tragedy

Countless U of T alumni were touched by the September 11 terrorist attacks. Here are just some of their stories

The Justice

And then the justice...full of wise saws and modern instances

The Last Scene

Last scene of second childishness and mere oblivion, sans teeth, sans eyes, sans everything

Cell Central

A new research centre will spawn scientific collaboration

The Meaning of Life?

Scientists have mapped the sequence of our genes – all 35,000 of them. So what now? U of T researchers are at the forefront of what some are calling the New Biology

93 Highland

The President’s Residence

Despite its role as a public venue, 93 Highland is the rambling kind of place that Harry Potter could inhabit quite nicely.

Illustration of Hamlet

Something Rotten In the State of the Arts?

Purists claim the arts should not be sullied by business. Pragmatists devalue the BA for failing to impart job skills. A pox on them, for they are all wrong. A defence of the liberal arts degree

Heart & Soul

Alumni, like the 30 profiled here, have given to the campaign for diverse reasons. No matter what cause they support, their help serves one central purpose — nurturing students

Alphabet Soup

More than a decade ago, a bunch of U of T characters began to dine from A to Z using the Yellow Pages as a restaurant guide

Light Heavyweights

A team of U of T scientists has won an international fight to control light and make it dance like electrons. A new era in telecommunications and computing is about to enter the ring

Getting to Know U

Stepping foot on campus again after 37 years is both a return to the past and a challenge for the future

Decade of the Dynamo

Inspired, energetic, driven – nothing ever stopped Robert Prichard in his tracks during 10 years as president, not even a near tragedy

The Cast of Presidents

From dramatic to subtle, 13 men have given us their interpretation of the leading role at U of T

Guy Gavriel Kay

Of Murder and Magic

The inspiration for the fanciful novels of Guy Gavriel Kay and Caroline Roe sprang from the U of T campus