
Photo of Roy Ivor with falcon

Roy Ivor Hall

A U of T Mississauga residence is named after the Birdman of Mississauga

Jake Paleczny at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve, near Whitehorse

North of 60

Museum Studies grad Jake Paleczny comes up with fun ways for visitors to learn about the moose, elk and other animals that make up the “living collection” at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve

Into the Wilderness

Animals in Canada – and how they live, mate and die – inspire an indie concept album by a U of T biologist and friends

Jane Gooddall.

Into the Wild

U of T partners with the Jane Goodall Institute to send students to Uganda to study endangered wildlife

B&W photo of a buck

Still Life

Pictures of animals through history reveal how our thinking about them has changed

The Nature of Things

Robert Bateman, 76, talks about wildlife art, conservation and the joys of painting predators