In Pictures: U of T’s Top 10 Beards and Moustaches - University of Toronto Magazine
University of Toronto Magazine University of Toronto Magazine
Photo of Daniel Wilson.
Courtesy U of T Archives A1973-0026/517P (99)0003

In Pictures: U of T’s Top 10 Beards and Moustaches

Beards are having a 2014 fashion moment! Still, U of T professors of the past could go chin-to-chin with even Toronto Blue Jay Adam Lind. Presenting: U of T’s Top 10 in facial hair. Read More

Photos courtesy U of T Archives (Croft: A1977-0025/007(05)), (Alexander: B1984-1137/(01)), (Wright: A1965-0004/ [16.23}), (Davies) and Keith Allison (Lind)

1. U of T President Daniel Wilson in 1890, upon taking office. Courtesy U of T Archives A1973-0026/517P (99)0003
Courtesy U of T Archives A1973-0003/001(21) 2. Math and physics prof John Cherriman, a statistician, chess player, rifleman, flautist and astronomer, probably didn’t have time for a trim.
3. William Houston, president of the University College Literary and Scientific Society in 1885, kept things straight.  Courtesy U of T Archives  A1977-0049:0027
Courtesy U of T Archives A1977-0025/007(05) 4. Chemistry prof Henry Croft letting it all hang out in the groovy 1870s.
5. Famous Canadian author and founding Master of Massey College, Robertson Davies, with his famous whiskerage. Credit:
Courtesy Hart House Chess Club 6. Our favourite U of T beard, this beauty was sported by political economics prof James Mavor, founder of the Hart House Chess Club.
7. Prof. Bernhard Fernow, appointed first dean of the Faculty of Forestry in 1907, took the sculptural approach. Courtesy U of T Archives A1972-0025/001P (11)
 Courtesy U of T Archives A1965-0004/ [16.23} 8. Biologist Ramsay Wright, U of T’s first-ever Dean of Arts, and his moustache in 1884.
9. English prof William John Alexander keeping a stiff upper lip in 1905. Courtesy U of T Archives B1984-1137/(01)
Courtesy of U of T Archives, Torontonensis 1912 10. James Wilmott, Dean of Dentistry, reached the peak of U of T pognology in 1912.

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