Research & Ideas

Breathing Underwater

Joe MacInnis has spent his life exploring the world's oceans. Now he wants to save them

Two students in white forensic suits digging a hole in the ground in a cordoned off area

The Real CSI

Students in UTM's forensic science program learn quickly that art does not always imitate life

What, Me Worry?

Anxiety affects a person's sense of life satisfaction less than depression, prof says

Exam Shy

South Asian immigrant women less likely to have regular breast examinations

Dropouts No More

An innovative program is creating a “culture of achievement” in Regent Park

Home Alone

People are socializing less with family and friends at home, study finds

The Corporate Connection

Do corporate donations influence what goes on in the classroom? Campaign chair Tony Comper feels that everyone’s a winner when business supports higher learning

Decoding SARS

Organism combined mammalian and avian viruses, researchers find

Trading Spaces

Women aren't entering skilled trades, despite shortage of workers

Courage Under Fire

They cared for the ill, calmed a fearful public and put their own lives at risk. Meet some of the U of T professors and alumni who battled SARS

A Place in the Sun

Come ride with U of T's solar car racing team, cutting-edge crusaders for a cleaner future

Retiring to the Office

Managers are more likely than clerical or blue-collar workers to find another job after retirement

Taking Stock of SAD

Sufferers of seasonal depression appear more willing to take financial risks in winter

Evolutionary News

Different physical traits discovered between sexes of the same prehistoric species