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Darren Anderson

Thinking Small

Darren Anderson wants his nanotech company, Vive Nano, to become one of the next global chemical giants

Shawn Qu

Here Comes the Sun

Shawn Qu's Canadian Solar is already one of the world’s largest solar energy companies. Ten years from now he wants it to be an industry leader

Francis Shen (left) is co-CEO of Aastra Technologies with his brother, Anthony Shen. Photo by Lee Towndrow

Calling All Businesses

Francis Shen credits luck, good ideas, timing and avoiding complacency for his success with Aastra Technologies

Nerissa Cariño

Revolution from Within

U of T student Nerissa Cariño garners a Peace Medallion for her work fighting violence against women

Photo of U of T Campus

What Rankings Reveal

Global surveys place U of T among top universities worldwide in academic and research strength

Illustration of a pixelated city block - cross section of a building with people inside of it.

Second Opinion

The real world offers many sources of medical advice. Soon virtual worlds may, too

Illustration of a stork hitting a bullseye

Birthright Lottery

Why should the accidental circumstances of birth confer almost unlimited opportunity to some and condemn others to a life of struggle?

Image of a snowed-in cabin

Smarter Buildings

A U of T computer scientist is developing a program to help predict – and ultimately reduce – buildings’ energy use

Dionne Brand

Poet in Motion

Dionne Brand releases her new collection, Ossuaries, while serving as Toronto’s poet laureate

Photo by Summer Harris

Skule Idol

Engineering science alumni reveal a talent for opera

John Tuzo Wilson and Dora de Pédery-Hunt

Earthly Pursuits

Sculptor Dora de Pédery-Hunt captures the likeness of Erindale’s principal

The Media’s Fault?

Tiger Woods doesn't think personal sins should require public confessions. Media ethics prof and U of T alum Tom Cooper half agrees

Photo of an hourglass

The True Nature of Time

A century after Einstein proposed his theory of relativity, scientists are still debating how time works

Cool Computing

A new kind of optical switch could allow computers to run 100 times faster - without overheating

The Imagined City

In her new book, writer Sarah Elton aims to put Toronto on the literary map next to New York, Dublin and Paris

Diabetes and Driving

U of T study finds that diabetics who keep strict control of their blood sugar are more likely to be involved in a car accident, not less

Is Life Getting Better?

A new measure of national wealth would include health, education and other things Canadians consider important

Rock Springs, New Mexico - The home of Navajo elder Berta Tom in Rock Springs

Look Closely!

Award-winning photojournalist Rita Leistner shines a light on North American native communities

Wilfrid Laurier.

Lives Lived

A project 50 years in the making tells Canada's story through its people

Elections Canada

Genes and Politics

Do our genes influence whom we vote for or whether we vote? They can, says politics prof Peter Loewen

We Are Star Stuff

A large asteroid could destroy all life on earth. But a "rain" of extraterrestrial debris long ago may have led to the conditions that started it, says a U of T geologist

Office dA's proposal for the Daniels Faculty calls for a new angular glass and steel façade to be constructed over the building’s exterior, almost like a helmet.

Anatomy of a Makeover

Architect Nader Tehrani talks about his company's striking design for the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture

What intrigues Lewin is the difference between how elephants are perceived in Thailand and how many of the animals are now treated. “It’s a really tragic story that needs to be told,” he says.

Urban Jungle

Photojournalist Brent Lewin captures the plight of Thailand's city elephants

The World’s Largest Telescope

As scientists prepare the next-generation space telescope, University of Toronto astronomers are pushing for an even larger ground-based scope

The Paperwork Burden

Helping high schoolers fill out financial aid forms could boost post-secondary enrolment

Professor Ron Deibert (centre) is speaking with a colleague, who is sitting in front of a laptop in the Citizen Lab. Another colleague is looking at notes on the wall behind him.

The New Freedom Fighters

Will the Internet help bring democracy to Iran? Professor Ron Deibert and the Citizen Lab champion free speech and human rights online

Denise Chong has written what she calls “the biography of a gesture” to explore just what drove Lu Decheng to jeopardize his life for a cause he believes in.

Act of Defiance

In her new book, Denise Chong profiles one of the men who, 20 years ago, dared to lob eggs at a portrait of Mao. As Western businesses vie for access to Chinese markets, do such political gestures still matter?

Sandro Gianella recently spent a summer at U of T Berlin studying urban planning. For him and his fellow students, the city became a laboratory. “It wouldn’t make sense to go to Berlin and sit in a classroom all day,” he says

A World of Opportunity

Spending a term abroad used to be considered an expensive frill. Now many students see it as their key to a rewarding career