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Janice Stein, founder and director of the Munk School of Global Affairs

A Global Affair

Armed with $80 million in new funding, the Munk School aims to become one of the top international relations programs in the world

Photo of Peter Munk

Making Canada Heard

Benefactor Peter Munk hopes school bearing his name will help transmit Canadian values around the world

Illustration of Toronto City Hall

What Toronto Needs

A real transit strategy, a solution to its financial troubles, better urban design – and mayoral candidates willing to discuss these things

Photo of pics grazing at what appears to be a farm.

The Lives of Animals

Most animals raised for food in Canada live on industrial sites where they never go outdoors. Under our laws, this is perfectly legal, but is it ethical?

Illustration of a doctor using a laptop while covering a patient's face with her hand.

One Patient, One Record

There are plenty of compelling reasons for health records to go digital. So why are some doctors resisting?

Photo of a pollution/oil covered bird in the water.

Averting Disaster

BP oil spill could have been avoided if the company had used the "precautionary principle," says prof

Architectural rendering of an arctic bridge structure.: the Bering Strait Ice Link.

Polar Express

Architecture prof's Arctic designs include proposed Russia-Alaska rail link

Photo of Hart Hanson

Funny Bones

Hart Hanson blends crime and comedy on his hit Fox TV show

Erika Savage

Rock Star Lawyer

Erika Savage is helping to pioneer a new kind of recording contract at Universal Music Group

Photo of some of the tents used by the airmen-in-training

Training Days

Cadets get ready to serve in the First World War, on St. George Campus

Photo of a man's face

The Age of a Face

The culture and language you are raised with can affect your ability to judge the age of people's faces

Planetary Mysteries

Discoveries of new planets outside our solar system are forcing astronomers to rethink theories of how planets form

Should this view of Queen's Park be preserved? Photo by Emma Lagunday,

Protecting the View

Should towers be visible behind Queen's Park? An architecture grad fights to safeguard the view of Toronto's most important heritage building

Illustration of adults (parents) wearing labcoats and holding infants.

Parents – At Last!

Reproductive science has made huge strides over the past 30 years, bringing hope to millions of infertile couples. But some formidable barriers remain

The Age Barrier

Even with the best medical technology, most women over 40 have little chance of getting pregnant

Bissell (third from left) views downtown Shanghai with Geoff Andew, executive assistant to the president of UBC, and thier Chinese hosts. The group spend three days in Shanghai

Beijing Diary

Claude Bissell’s visit to China, at a time of political isolation between the West and China, foreshadowed the spirit of international exchange at U of T today

Sunny, external view of Robarts Library from the corner of Sussex Avenue and St. George Street

Claude Bissell on Campus

Claude Bissell’s final term as U of T president ended almost 40 years ago, but his remarkable contribution as a scholar, administrator and leader is recognized on the St. George Campus today, with buildings, portraits and other tributes honouring Bissell’s legacy

Izzeldin Abuelaish

Waging Peace

Three of his daughters were killed by Israeli fire. In Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish’s new book, he calls for an end to the violence

Photo by Dave Chan

The Dream Maker

Isaac Olowolafe Jr. donates $25,000 to help students in New College's African Studies program

Northern Light

Trips to the Arctic inspired scholarship for aboriginal students

Photo of a Caravaggio painting

The Dark Master

Caravaggio rebelled against dogma and received wisdom. Is that why we like him so much?

Illustration of a piggy bank through an x-ray

Cheaper Digital X-Rays

Physicist John Rowlands has invented a way to deliver high-quality X-rays at a fraction of the regular cost

Addicted to Love

The American Psychiatric Association is considering whether "hypersexual disorder" should be included in its next guide to mental illness

Bill Buxton

The Outlaw

In a creative rut? Renegade computer designer Bill Buxton advocates less work and more play

Book cover: Authenticity Hoak

The Lost Left

Westerners who reject mainstream culture as “inauthentic” may, in fact, be status seekers, says Andrew Potter

The Accidental CEO

Computer engineering student Vincent Cheung's photo software has become an Internet hit

Books Outbound

A new campus group wants to send leftover books from college book sales to schools that could use them


Now that the Large Hadron Collider is working, U of T physicists are preparing to sift through mountains of data in search of the elusive Higgs boson


How did first-year student (and former tomboy) Anna Cunningham end up writing a fashion column online?

Tweet the Vote

Social media will be a force in this fall’s Toronto election, if a group of recent grads have their way

Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair breaks from the past

Force for Change

Crime in Toronto is down, but after five years as police chief, Bill Blair knows he can't take the city's safety for granted

Microscopic illustration of stem cells

The Big Promise of a Tiny Cell

Stem cell medicine may soon generate new treatments for any condition where cells have been damaged, such as heart disease, diabetes – even blindness

Neena Kanwar

Risky Business

U of T science students are learning how to turn their high-tech ideas into products the world wants