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Decade of the Dynamo

Inspired, energetic, driven – nothing ever stopped Robert Prichard in his tracks during 10 years as president, not even a near tragedy

The Cast of Presidents

From dramatic to subtle, 13 men have given us their interpretation of the leading role at U of T

Guy Gavriel Kay

Of Murder and Magic

The inspiration for the fanciful novels of Guy Gavriel Kay and Caroline Roe sprang from the U of T campus

Did Someone Say ‘Eureka’?

The great idea is just the first step – that’s when the Innovations Foundation steps in. Now it’s looking for alumni who can help take new discoveries to market

Portrait of Henry Wentworth Monk, 1858 by William Holman Hunt (1827-1910). Oil on canvas, 53.3 x 67.3 cm. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, purchased 1911 / Photo: National Gallery of Canada


William Holman Hunt's portrait of Henry Wentworth Monk

Six Big Awards

Killam Prizes and fellowships from the American Guggenheim Foundation

Illustration and photos of UofT alumni who contributed to Canada

Class Acts

As the UTAA celebrates its 100th birthday, we raise our hats to 100 alumni who made their mark on the 20th century


Alumni who exemplify the positive roles individuals can play in communities

Heroes & Icons

Theirs are the names that pass back and forth in conversations around the world

Sod-turning ceremony in 1904 for Convocation Hall marked one of the first and finest achievements of the UTAA.

A Commanding Force

Alumni wanted an organization to keep them in touch with their alma mater, and the wife of the president recognized that there is strength in numbers. The time was right to establish the University of Toronto Alumni Association

The Thousand-Year Itch

How do you get 10 scholars to wax anything but bored about the millennium? Scratch the surface of the Y2K hype and ask them to predict the future of their fields

Led by Professor Donald Chant, left, environmental activists recognized Survival Day in 1970.

Green Power

A 1969 article in The Varsity ignited students to start the Canadian environmental movement

Eye in the Sky

Ophthalmologist James Oestreicher circles the globe to treat patients in a converted DC-10

Stepping into the Future

Cutbacks in government funding for postsecondary education have eased off in the last couple of years; the Campaign for the University of Toronto is producing remarkable results, and a quarter of a billion dollars will be invested in new buildings and initiatives over the next decade.

Salt-water solution

Isolation of a gene could improve farming productivity in areas of the world where crops are compromised by saline irrigation water