The Two of Us – School Story - University of Toronto Magazine
University of Toronto Magazine University of Toronto Magazine
Photo shows the proposal at the steps of UC.
Photo courtesy of Brock and Katherine

The Two of Us – School Story

For Brock Laschowski and Katherine Cornacchia, a proposal on Front Campus capped a very U of T romance Read More

Brock (BPHE 2012): During Frosh Week in 2009, I was at a retreat with the Physical Education faculty and I saw a really pretty girl on the other side of a bonfire. I really wanted to talk to her, but I couldn’t work up the courage just then. I introduced myself to her later in the week at a Blue Jays game. After that, we were inseparable. We’re very different people. I’m fire and she’s ice. I’m more outgoing and loud, and she’s calm and down to earth. But we balance each other really well. We’ve now been together for over five years, and she’s my family.

There was, for me, a clear moment when I knew that I wanted to marry Katherine. In my graduating year, I went on a trip to Cuba with my friends. When I flew home, Katherine met me at the airport with a homemade sign that just said, “Baby.” It was so sweet and so funny; a little thing that just made my day. That summer, I started looking at rings.

Katherine (BPHE 2013): Brock’s proposal in December 2012 was pretty funny. We had dinner plans and by mid-afternoon, he was pacing. We left the house at 2 p.m. because he was so anxious. He’s hypoglycemic and a real mess when he doesn’t eat, so I figured he was just hungry. We walked through campus to University College, where Brock asked a random guy to take a picture of us. As the guy was taking pictures, Brock got down on one knee. We were both crying, and I don’t remember much else.

Brock and I have a lot in common. We work out together every day, take our dog for a walk and watch movies. We spend our entire lives – with the exception of work – together. Since I first got to know him, I’ve just had a really good feeling about being with him. We’ve really grown up a lot together, and we have a lot of plans for the rest of our lives. We’re not in any rush to get married, but we do have a few baby names picked out.

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