Food – history and culture

Suman Roy, wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the words

Hunger Pains

Food bank use in Toronto is soaring. Can a U of T Scarborough lab help?

People fishing along the shoreline

Hunger in the North

Too many people in Nunavut don’t get enough to eat. Anthropologist Tracey Galloway believes Inuit communities, not southern governments, have the solution

Image from Grey Matter film poster, depicting the back profile of the director looking at a flag with red, yellow and green colours running vertically

U of T’s World Wide Web

The university’s scholars are collaborating with partners in every region of the globe to answer questions that challenge us all

Courtesy of Adrian Marquez

In Vino Veritas

An anthropology degree adds depth to Adrian Marquez’s work as a sommelier

Audrey Ooi conducts her dessert tours every Sunday and alternate Fridays

The Sweetest Tour

Audrey Ooi leads a sampling of the world's most interesting desserts in Toronto's Kensington Market