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Photo of Taylor Lew at Juno Beach Centre.

Tour de Force

In Normandy, U of T students teach visitors about Canada’s role in the Second World War

Photo of Francesca Valente and Branko Gorjup.

International Love Affair

For Francesca Valente, an Italian cultural mediator, and Branko Gorjup, a Croatian scholar of Canadian literature, shared passions have resulted in a truly international love affair

Photo of Ali Burke in southern Ecuador.

Breaking Away

For most of us, 27,000 km would be an unbearably long flight. Ali Burke is cycling that far

Photo of Emily Hunter

Activism 2.0

While on a mission to save the Borneo rainforest, Emily Hunter realized environmentalism needs a rethink

Photo of Amy Fish

Grousing with Grace

Amy Fish understands the fine art of complaining. Here, she shares some tips to help the rest of us get our way

Business Ties

Governments should do more to encourage immigrant entrepreneurs to forge links with businesses in their native countries, according to a U of T report

Life on Earth, Mars and Beyond

The inaugural Toronto Science Festival, hosted by U of T, will feature leading scientists addressing fundamental questions about human existence

Leaning Left

Meditation might make you more liberal, according to new U of T research

Activism 2.0

What's different about today's environmental activists? Tools of the trade, says Emily Hunter, and a sense that change must happen now

Rent Anything!

Many of us have valuable stuff we rarely use. Now you can rent it out, thanks to a peer-to-peer platform from grad Martin Wong that works just like Airbnb

John Paul de Silva and the student consultants of Social Focus Consulting

Consultant with a Cause

John Paul de Silva's company provides sound – and less costly – business advice to help non-profit organizations raise funds more effectively

Cybill Lui. Photo by Liam Sharp

Dream Job

Cybill Lui worked for years on Wall Street, then followed her heart into the high-risk world of film production

Nadia Amoroso. Photo by Liam Sharp

Beauty in Numbers

Nadia Amoroso helps clients interpret complex data quickly and present it memorably

Stephen Piron. Photo by Liam Sharp

Uncovering Fraud

Computer science grad Stephen Piron is helping banks stay on the right side of regulators

Mary Jo Haddad. Photo by Lorne Bridgman

Taking Care

Mary Jo Haddad came to Sick Kids to look after ill children. As CEO, she helped nurse the whole hospital back to good health

Club members makes phagnum moss dressings for soldiers, in U of T’s Physics Building in 1915

A Club for Women

Canada’s first university women’s club sought to improve the lives of women and children

Jane Gooddall.

Into the Wild

U of T partners with the Jane Goodall Institute to send students to Uganda to study endangered wildlife

Larry Alford

Search and Discovery

If you think Google has made doing scholarly research a cinch, U of T’s chief librarian Larry Alford has news for you

Rebecca Bartel.

Global Leaders

Prestigious new award from the W. Garfield Weston Foundation will enable PhD students to conduct research abroad

Rose Harrison in her Yonge and Eglinton apartment

Housing First

It turns out that a good way to help homeless people is to actually give them a home

Photo of traffic lights.

Making Traffic Smarter

An intelligent transportation system could reduce wait times at traffic lights in Toronto by more than half

Photo of Minuum keyboard on a smart phone.

The Tiny Perfect Keyboard

As devices get smaller, a U of T company has created a keyboard that makes typing easier while using less screen space

Photo of two men discussing something while looking at a computer screen.

The Unsure Thing

The conditions for entrepreneurs in Canada are good, says Rotman professor Will Mitchell. It’s our attitude that needs work

Dominic Man-Kit Lam

Renaissance Man

Dominic Man-Kit Lam’s World Eye Organization has improved countless lives. He’s also a successful artist. Next on his list: edible vaccines

Bailey Vaez

Stress Buster

How personal changes led Bailey Vaez to promote wellness at work

Jordan Feilders

Bon Appetit, Paris

A food truck in a world culinary capital? With great fare, Jordan Feilders proves it’s possible

Pipe Dreams

Sarah Svendsen and Rachel Mahon are proving that organ music isn’t just for Dracula lovers

Photo of traffic lights.

Making Traffic Smarter

An intelligent transportation system could reduce wait times at traffic lights in Toronto by more than half

Michael Boland's book Through the Lens of My Eye: Adventures of a Documentary Cameraman

Modern-Day Tintin

Much like the Belgian reporter, cinematographer Michael Boland has dodged peril and travelled the world to get a scoop

Intelligent Clothing

Architecture grad student Stacie Vos has developed a "smart" shirt that can detect germs and protect its wearer from them

Patrick Gunning. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Starving Cancer Cells

Many scientists work for years to find a cure for a single type of cancer - Patrick Gunning has his sights set on four

Katherine Larson. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Literary Songbird

Katherine Larson infuses her study of English with a passion for music to find new meaning in literature

Joyce Poon. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Speed of Light

Joyce Poon is developing optical devices that could make computers vastly more powerful and a whole lot faster

Emma Master. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Goodbye to Plastic?

Emma Master imagines a world with much less garbage, thanks to new organic materials she’s researching

Joseph Wong. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Asia Rising

As global power shifts to Asia, Canada’s success will depend on seeing more than just business opportunities in the region, says Joseph Wong

Samir Sinha. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Aging Well

Samir Sinha wants to help keep older Canadians healthy and independent for longer. As the population ages, the viability of our health-care system depends on it

Julie Claycomb. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Go Argonautes!

Julie Claycomb is researching a group of proteins that may yield new treatments for a variety of genetic and viral diseases

Deborah Cowen. Illustration by Adam Cruft

Markets Without Borders?

Deborah Cowen investigates what happens when governments sacrifice the rights of their citizens to protect the flow of goods across national lines