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A Shiver of Recognition

The best stories and poems reveal something about human experience that hasn't occurred to us before

Father Figure

Bryan Friedman's award-winning documentary charts his dad's quest for bodybuilding supremacy

Illustration of students on laptops

Going Back

Returning to university after 20 years can be scary and bewildering. But it can also be wonderfully enriching

Grano's Roberto Martella won the Jane Jacobs Prize, which honours Toronto's

Dinner with Friends

Restaurant owner Roberto Martella believes in building community by breaking bread together

Show of Faith

U of T's ecclesiastic alphabet once began and ended with "A" for Anglican, but now embraces everyone from Ahmadis to Zenists

Jim and Verna Webb, standing on a stair landing, each holding a pile of books

Helping Hands

Volunteers do everything from mentor students to organize book sales. U of T wouldn't be the same without them

CIUT technician Steve Birek

On the Air

After 20 years of broadcasts, CIUT is still taking chances

Poplar Science

An international team has decoded the genetic sequence of a tree

Enemies of the State

In her book Villa Bel-Air, Rosemary Sullivan asks why totalitarian regimes are so afraid of art

Flash Physics

Prof's online animations help students prepare for experiments

Last Neanderthals on Earth

Adjunct professor Clive Finlayson found that Neanderthals survived thousands of years longer than previously believed - in Gorham's Cave in Gibralter

Illustration of a schoolchild

School Ties

Research by child development professor Carl Corter shows that providing daycare at elementary schools benefits children, parents and teachers

Making Peace

Donation gives students of social change opportunity to work in Sri Lanka

Field of Dreams

For international students, summer at U of T is about much more than learning English, especially during the World Cup

Professor Ken Bartlett engages students with a variety of narrative

A Constant Quest

For these five professors, great teaching is less about supplying a "magic" answer than encouraging students to ask the right questions


Teens use a lot of instant messaging terms, but not in spoken conversation, study finds