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Wendy Freedman

Star Turn

Wendy Freedman earns major cosmology prize for her research into the Hubble constant

Office dA's proposal for the Daniels Faculty calls for a new angular glass and steel façade to be constructed over the building’s exterior, almost like a helmet.

Anatomy of a Makeover

Architect Nader Tehrani talks about his company's striking design for the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture

What intrigues Lewin is the difference between how elephants are perceived in Thailand and how many of the animals are now treated. “It’s a really tragic story that needs to be told,” he says.

Urban Jungle

Photojournalist Brent Lewin captures the plight of Thailand's city elephants

The World’s Largest Telescope

As scientists prepare the next-generation space telescope, University of Toronto astronomers are pushing for an even larger ground-based scope

Professor Ron Deibert (centre) is speaking with a colleague, who is sitting in front of a laptop in the Citizen Lab. Another colleague is looking at notes on the wall behind him.

The New Freedom Fighters

Will the Internet help bring democracy to Iran? Professor Ron Deibert and the Citizen Lab champion free speech and human rights online

Denise Chong has written what she calls “the biography of a gesture” to explore just what drove Lu Decheng to jeopardize his life for a cause he believes in.

Act of Defiance

In her new book, Denise Chong profiles one of the men who, 20 years ago, dared to lob eggs at a portrait of Mao. As Western businesses vie for access to Chinese markets, do such political gestures still matter?

Sandro Gianella recently spent a summer at U of T Berlin studying urban planning. For him and his fellow students, the city became a laboratory. “It wouldn’t make sense to go to Berlin and sit in a classroom all day,” he says

A World of Opportunity

Spending a term abroad used to be considered an expensive frill. Now many students see it as their key to a rewarding career

Jason Wurster

Pole Star

Top-ranked pole vaulter Jason Wurster hits the European circuit

Photo of arabic script on an antique document

Revelations from Qumran

Ancient peoples may have viewed the Dead Sea scrolls much as we see the web – fluid, social and open to change

Photo of a black child

Africentric Schools

Professor George Dei says parents of black children have been concerned for 30 years that the Toronto school system is not serving their children. “It was time to try a new approach.”

Photo of men on the beach with the aquabot


Engineering students build a robotic "submarine"

Exit Strategy

This fall, the City of Toronto will test a U of T program that offers youths alternatives to gang life

Nazneen Contractor

Spy Games

Actor Nazneen Contractor enters 24's world of espionage

Brad Tapson, in a T-shirt and shorts, is standing behind Melanie Moore with his arms around her on a beach

Melanie Moore and Brad Tapson

"Sometimes Brad plays his guitar, I play the piano and we sing together. I swear, we’ll wind up being the von Trapp family someday."

The beginning of the gay rights movement in North America: Christopher Street Liberation Day, New York City, June 28, 1970

Out and Proud

How students, faculty, staff and alumni brought queer activism to the University of Toronto and changed the campus forever

Nikki Stratigacos.

T is for Trans

It’s time to cast off dated notions about masculinity, femininity and "opposite" sexes

U of T Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies

Gay Studies Branches Out

In a single decade, U of T’s Sexual Diversity Studies program has become one of the largest of its kind in North America

Illustration by James Joyce

Why Smart People Do Stupid Things

Intelligence by itself doesn’t make you rational. Thinking rationally demands mental skills that some of us don’t have and many of us don’t use

Digital illustration of a ladder extending upward into white clouds against a blue sky

Reaching Higher

The Gordon Cressy Awards recognize new graduates who have made outstanding contributions to U of T. For these past winners, helping others has become a way of life

Headshot of Kieran Hayward, wearing a black collared, button-up shirt

Kieran Hayward

“My dream is to be one of the inspired citizens who shape Toronto for the better”

Helen Tewolde

Helen Tewolde

“My deepest ambition is to focus on learning and practising leadership in new and challenging contexts”

Headshot of Breese Davies, wearing light purple-framed glasses and a light and dark purple blouse with polka dots

Breese Davies

“The privilege of living and working in Canada comes with the duty to protect the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable.”

Headshot of Gurjit Sangha, wearing a black collared shirt, light grey knit tank top, and pearl earrings and necklace

Gurjit Sangha

“Leadership isn’t just about having vision – it’s about having the right people work with you, because you can’t do it alone”

Headshot of Matthew Cimone, wearing black half-framed glasses, a light collared shirt and a black and grey patterned tie

Matthew Cimone

“It is amazing to me the encouragement we get from those we are ostensibly trying to help”

Headshot of Stephen Tracy wearing a white long-sleeved collared shirt and a black, grey and white striped tie

Stephen Tracy

“I believe we should each apply our own unique skills for the betterment of humanity”

Steve Dennis (BASc 1999)

Steve Dennis

“My goal isn’t to end global conflict, but to end the suffering of people who live in places where conflict takes away their basic human rights”

Dr. Rahim Hirji (BSc 1997 UTSc, 1999 MSc, 2004 MD)

Dr. Rahim Hirji

“I dream of writing a book on leadership and self-improvement, and traveling the world as a motivational speaker”

Headshot of Mark Slade wearing a green sports cardigan with logos along the front, over a white shirt

Mark Slade

“The global financial crisis is forcing everybody to think differently about business”

Maureen Walter is participating in the Women in Transition program at the Faculty of Law

Women in Law

Some women leave the legal profession to raise a family. A new Faculty of Law program helps them return

A renovated Max Gluskin House includes a modern three-storey addition

Max Gluskin House

Renovation to the economics department wins second place in local people's choice architecture awards

Man in a business suit midair trying to catch a football

What’s a CEO Worth?

Rotman dean Roger Martin says executive pay shouldn’t be tied to a company’s stock price, after all

Undermining Staying Power

If a business wants to enjoy the benefits of long-term staying power, it must reject theories built on shareholder value theory and replace them with a theory embedded firmly in the real market