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The Road to Freedom

Marina Nemat's long journey from Iranian prison to celebrated author brought her to U of T

Vincent Lam.

Vincent Lam

Prize-winning author captures extremes in human behaviour

Mark Schatzker

Mark Schatzker

The journalist and traveller aims to "see, feel and taste differences in the land"

Raja Khanna

Raja Khanna

Self-described "digital media pioneer" is bringing television to cellphones

Kellie Leitch

Orthopedic surgeon is the federal government's advisor on healthy children and youth

Luis Jacob in a white T-shirt with illustrations of orange and black circles with spikes, smiling and looking to his right

Luis Jacob

Toronto artist is one of two Canadians invited to documenta 12, a massive international art exhibition

Ryan Pyle

Self-taught photographer is capturing China in transition

Wendy Yu

Marketing whiz is bringing the NBA to China

Love Story

Rasha Mourtada's story placed first in University of Toronto Magazine's Alumni Short Story and Poetry Contest

A Shiver of Recognition

The best stories and poems reveal something about human experience that hasn't occurred to us before

Illustration of Leonardo DiCaprio

Cause Celeb

Do Hollywood stars change the public's perception of issues?

Can a Brain Change?

Dr. Norman Doidge argues that the brain is far more malleable than previously thought

Father Figure

Bryan Friedman's award-winning documentary charts his dad's quest for bodybuilding supremacy

Illustration of students on laptops

Going Back

Returning to university after 20 years can be scary and bewildering. But it can also be wonderfully enriching

Grano's Roberto Martella won the Jane Jacobs Prize, which honours Toronto's

Dinner with Friends

Restaurant owner Roberto Martella believes in building community by breaking bread together

Show of Faith

U of T's ecclesiastic alphabet once began and ended with "A" for Anglican, but now embraces everyone from Ahmadis to Zenists

Jim and Verna Webb, standing on a stair landing, each holding a pile of books

Helping Hands

Volunteers do everything from mentor students to organize book sales. U of T wouldn't be the same without them

CIUT technician Steve Birek

On the Air

After 20 years of broadcasts, CIUT is still taking chances

Trash Talk

Can new technology make Toronto's garbage problem disappear?