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Animal Instincts

The evolution of zoology. From an ex-minister who denounced Darwin to today's research juggernaut, zoology at U of T has come a long way in 150 years. And just look where it's going now

Fighting Words

Hart House debating has prepared generations of U of T students for the rigours of academe, politics, and the law. More important, it reassures anxious frosh that it's cool to be smart

The Finnish Connection

Begun in the aftermath of war, U of T’s oldest student exchange is just the ticket for 21st-century learning

UC @ 150

University College celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2003. Here's how U of T's founding college got started and is still growing

Paths to Peace

At a time of international tension, U of T scholars are leading the search for alternatives to terror and war

The Next Internet

Behind the scenes, U of T researchers are finding ways to build a Net that’s not only more powerful, but a lot more human

Bright Lights, Big Ideas

They’re brilliant. They’re bold. They’re young. And they have the national research community applauding

The Proof Is Out There

In the early 1970s, black holes were just a topic for scientific speculation. Then astrophysist Tom Bolton began pondering the matter

Our New Provost

Equity, access, excellence: these are touchstones for Shirley Neuman

Paddle Power

The adventures of the U of T Outing Club think nothing of canoeing across Toronto's inner harbour. They also hike, bike, ski and otherwise challenge the great outdoors in any way they can

Photo of Pride Rainbow flag

The Gay Voice

Some men may subconsciously adopt certain female speech patterns

The Troubled Healer

In his tireless quest to conquer contagious diseases, John Gerald FitzGerald, architect of Canada's modern public health system, sacrificed his own health – indeed, his life

The Age of Dissent

Socialists, peaceniks, feminists, rabble-rousers: They came in search of an education. They left having taught the old school a thing or two

The Lover

And then the lover, sighing like furnace with a woeful ballad

Highs and Lows

The Glycemic Index, developed at U of T, offers a dietary plan for controlling diabetes

Doctor on Call

Between her teaching and her practice, Dr. Miriam Rossi has dispensed a huge dose of guidance and inspiration to minority students

Good Medicine

Alumni have been the life blood behind Doctors Without Borders

Music Mavens

Measha Brueggergosman, Russell Braun, Amber Meredith, James Rolfe, Patricia O'Callaghan and Adam Goddard

Big on Business

Paul Giannaris, Dionne England, Eira Thomas, Natalie Townsend and Leonard Asper

Sweet Tooth

Dentist Ken Montague eschews the factory-method of treatment, and runs a photography gallery in his spare time

Malcolm Gladwell

There Are No Small Potatoes

To New Yorker scribe Malcolm Gladwell, little things make a huge difference. Right now, he has his eye on his next big idea – french fries

The Great Divide?

The truly educated should be able to navigate the boundary where art and science meet

Decade of the Dynamo

Inspired, energetic, driven – nothing ever stopped Robert Prichard in his tracks during 10 years as president, not even a near tragedy

The Cast of Presidents

From dramatic to subtle, 13 men have given us their interpretation of the leading role at U of T

Heroes & Icons

Theirs are the names that pass back and forth in conversations around the world