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Ariel Garten

Fashion designer incorporates psychology into her creations

Sharon Lewis

Playwright doesn't see art and politics as separate entities

Dollars & Sense

Deans, directors and principals report on how your campaign money has been put to work to create a better U of T

Back to Our Roots

At the heart of Canada’s largest urban centre, U of T’s landscape plan is creating a verdant oasis

Helping Hands

An astonishing 112,819 donors gave to the Campaign for the University of Toronto. Here, a few explain why they contributed so generously

Allison Prole

Student Affairs

Donor contributions have helped make watershed changes to the student experience. How? Here are just a few of the thousands of stories

Team Players

Through Project Blue, alumni and friends are creating a 
level playing field for student athletes

The Corporate Connection

Do corporate donations influence what goes on in the classroom? Campaign chair Tony Comper feels that everyone’s a winner when business supports higher learning

A Commanding Vision

Yes, the campaign raised $1 billion. But it also created a community committed to seeing U of T stand tall with the best in the world

Mapping U of T’s Success

A sampling of new programs, chairs and buildings that are changing the face of U of T, thanks to campaign dollars

Coming Home

How U of T grads are making a difference - where their help is needed most

Courage Under Fire

They cared for the ill, calmed a fearful public and put their own lives at risk. Meet some of the U of T professors and alumni who battled SARS

A Tale of Two Campuses

Suburban knock-offs no more, Mississauga and Scarborough are rapidly emerging as distinct institutions with their own unique approaches to teaching and research


Alumni named to the Order of Canada and other alumni recognitions

Animal Instincts

The evolution of zoology. From an ex-minister who denounced Darwin to today's research juggernaut, zoology at U of T has come a long way in 150 years. And just look where it's going now

Fighting Words

Hart House debating has prepared generations of U of T students for the rigours of academe, politics, and the law. More important, it reassures anxious frosh that it's cool to be smart

The Finnish Connection

Begun in the aftermath of war, U of T’s oldest student exchange is just the ticket for 21st-century learning

To Baldly Go…

Scarborough campus students go bald to raise money for cancer research

UC @ 150

University College celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2003. Here's how U of T's founding college got started and is still growing

Maritime Men

Two U of T alumni are putting their nautical know-how to work international waters

Paths to Peace

At a time of international tension, U of T scholars are leading the search for alternatives to terror and war

The Next Internet

Behind the scenes, U of T researchers are finding ways to build a Net that’s not only more powerful, but a lot more human

The Big Picture

U of T cosmologists are piecing together the epic table of how the universe has evolved over 14 billion years

Bright Lights, Big Ideas

They’re brilliant. They’re bold. They’re young. And they have the national research community applauding

Reality Knocks

The educational system may have given up on them, but these students never gave up on education. The Transitional Year Programme helped them achieve their dreams

The Proof Is Out There

In the early 1970s, black holes were just a topic for scientific speculation. Then astrophysist Tom Bolton began pondering the matter

Our New Provost

Equity, access, excellence: these are touchstones for Shirley Neuman

Hell on Reels

Dante's Inferno has huge impact on modern-day writers and filmmakers, prof finds

Such a Long Journey

From bank clerk to writer, from obscurity to the Oprah Winfrey Show, Rohinton Mistry’s path as a writer has taken a series of unlikely turns

Paddle Power

The adventures of the U of T Outing Club think nothing of canoeing across Toronto's inner harbour. They also hike, bike, ski and otherwise challenge the great outdoors in any way they can

Photo of Pride Rainbow flag

The Gay Voice

Some men may subconsciously adopt certain female speech patterns

A Feast of Thought

These 20 thinkers brought their stunning intellect to U of T's table and enlivened the world of ideas

The Troubled Healer

In his tireless quest to conquer contagious diseases, John Gerald FitzGerald, architect of Canada's modern public health system, sacrificed his own health – indeed, his life

Places of the Heart

Revisiting fond memories of U of T ultimately leads to these three corners of the campus

The Age of Dissent

Socialists, peaceniks, feminists, rabble-rousers: They came in search of an education. They left having taught the old school a thing or two

An Intellectual Emergency

In the month following the horror of September 11, and 20 years after her frosh year, writer Margaret Webb returns to U of T, again seeking understanding of the world