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Tough Love

Dating at university is supposed to be easy. But many of today’s U of T students find campus romance elusive. Enter Love@UofT, a new online matchmaker

Douglas McCurdy at the wheel of a plane.

The Aviator

Brave, dashing and touched by the spirit of adventure, Douglas McCurdy became the first person to fly an airplane out of sight of land

Illustration of Toronto City Hall

What Toronto Needs

A real transit strategy, a solution to its financial troubles, better urban design – and mayoral candidates willing to discuss these things

Illustration of a doctor using a laptop while covering a patient's face with her hand.

One Patient, One Record

There are plenty of compelling reasons for health records to go digital. So why are some doctors resisting?

Should this view of Queen's Park be preserved? Photo by Emma Lagunday,

Protecting the View

Should towers be visible behind Queen's Park? An architecture grad fights to safeguard the view of Toronto's most important heritage building

Izzeldin Abuelaish

Waging Peace

Three of his daughters were killed by Israeli fire. In Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish’s new book, he calls for an end to the violence

The Accidental CEO

Computer engineering student Vincent Cheung's photo software has become an Internet hit


How did first-year student (and former tomboy) Anna Cunningham end up writing a fashion column online?

Tweet the Vote

Social media will be a force in this fall’s Toronto election, if a group of recent grads have their way

Illustration of a pixelated city block - cross section of a building with people inside of it.

Second Opinion

The real world offers many sources of medical advice. Soon virtual worlds may, too

The researchers hope to show that where you live is just as important as how you live.

Is Your City Happy?

People living on the east side of Toronto are more neurotic than those in the west, study of cities’ “personalities” finds

What intrigues Lewin is the difference between how elephants are perceived in Thailand and how many of the animals are now treated. “It’s a really tragic story that needs to be told,” he says.

Urban Jungle

Photojournalist Brent Lewin captures the plight of Thailand's city elephants

Professor Ron Deibert (centre) is speaking with a colleague, who is sitting in front of a laptop in the Citizen Lab. Another colleague is looking at notes on the wall behind him.

The New Freedom Fighters

Will the Internet help bring democracy to Iran? Professor Ron Deibert and the Citizen Lab champion free speech and human rights online

Headshot of Matthew Cimone, wearing black half-framed glasses, a light collared shirt and a black and grey patterned tie

Matthew Cimone

“It is amazing to me the encouragement we get from those we are ostensibly trying to help”

Marathon Man

Runner Danny Kassap recovers from a near-death event, with a little help from his friends

Black and white photo of men in hats and trench coats standing in line

The D-Word

Q&A with Walid Hejazi, professor of business economics and international competitiveness at the Rotman School of Management.

Illustration of a computer with A+ written on a sheet on it

Stolen Words

The Internet has made plagiarizing easier than ever. But detection methods have gone high-tech, too.

All in the Family

The Drakiches are likely the only brother-and-sister combo coaching volleyball at a university in Canada

Up Against Google

With BlogScope, a U of T computer science group is taking on the search titan in the realm of public opinion

Illustration of a baton pass in a relay, where the baton is a test tube

Wiki Science

Faster and more open collaboration among scientists could yield a wealth of discoveries


Will Barack Win?

Trinity grad John Ibbitson writes from the front lines of the most exciting American presidential race in modern history

Smoke and Mirrors

So far, Canada has taken no real action on climate change. It’s time to get serious about Kyoto


The Hart House Chess Club makes some strategic moves at the Pan American tournament

Illustration of a brain made of chain

Untangling Alzheimer’s

A U of T centre is hunting down the genes that cause this debilitating brain illness, and moving us closer to a cure

God’s Laboratory

This spring, an international team of physicists, including several from U of T, will launch the most ambitious science experiment ever devised. Their goal: to unlock the secrets of the universe

Thinking Big

Chief advancement officer David Palmer lays the groundwork for the next generation of fundraising at U of T

About Face

A popular social networking website is changing how students interact

Omar Peters, in a white T-shirt, blue jeans, baseball cap and white sneakers, stands with an elbow resting on the shoulder of Prince Peprah, who is wearing a yellow T-shirt, black track pants and black sneakers. They are standing in front of a building with a panelled window and red-brown bricks.

The Schools We Want

U of T's Centre for Urban Schooling aims to help youths in disadvantaged neighbourhoods succeed

Illustration of students on laptops

Going Back

Returning to university after 20 years can be scary and bewildering. But it can also be wonderfully enriching

Flash Physics

Prof's online animations help students prepare for experiments

Last Neanderthals on Earth

Adjunct professor Clive Finlayson found that Neanderthals survived thousands of years longer than previously believed - in Gorham's Cave in Gibralter

Going Global

New undergraduate international-affairs magazine Globalist launches

Wikipedia Wonderboy

Victoria College alum is a daily contributor to the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia

The Infinite Library

Researchers are welcoming Google's plan to digitize millions of books, but the implications for libraries are profound

Keeping Kids Safe

Donations will help fight Internet bullying and improve welfare services for children and their families