Research & Ideas

Illustration of a figure of a child with square shapes around them.

Understanding Autism

Scientist Stephen Scherer aims to uncover the genetic causes of an incurable neural disorder

The ABCs of Autism

Contrary to stereotypes, most autistic children don’t bang their heads, and fewer than one per cent are brilliant savants

Photo of a person swimming.

Don’t Overdo It!

Women who exercise strenuously may be at greater risk of developing dementia later in life, study finds

Folic’s Effects

The synthetic version of a micronutrient found in broccoli may have role in breast cancer, study finds

Illustration of a doctor using a laptop while covering a patient's face with her hand.

One Patient, One Record

There are plenty of compelling reasons for health records to go digital. So why are some doctors resisting?

Illustration of adults (parents) wearing labcoats and holding infants.

Parents – At Last!

Reproductive science has made huge strides over the past 30 years, bringing hope to millions of infertile couples. But some formidable barriers remain

The Age Barrier

Even with the best medical technology, most women over 40 have little chance of getting pregnant

Illustration of a map shaped like a brain.

Mapping the Mind

Ambitious 10-year project will create a detailed electronic atlas of the brain

Addicted to Love

The American Psychiatric Association is considering whether "hypersexual disorder" should be included in its next guide to mental illness

Microscopic illustration of stem cells

The Big Promise of a Tiny Cell

Stem cell medicine may soon generate new treatments for any condition where cells have been damaged, such as heart disease, diabetes – even blindness

Photo of the sun

The Vitamin D Crisis

Dark-skinned Canadians may face higher risk of disease due to vitamin D deficiency, doctor warns

Diabetes and Driving

U of T study finds that diabetics who keep strict control of their blood sugar are more likely to be involved in a car accident, not less

Tainted Air

We pull bad food from the shelves as soon as possible, so why aren't we more concerned about poor air quality?

Photo of an elderly couple smiling

Care for the Aged

Canada faces a shortage of geriatricians for a rapidly greying population, says Dr. Barry Goldlist

Illustration of people sleeping in test tubes

The Science of Sleep

Research is pointing to new treatments for the millions of North Americans who suffer from sleep disorders.

Image of a cigarette

Third-hand smoke

Toronto Star reported in January that the alarm is sounding over "third-hand smoke"

Jack Mandel

A New Era in Public Health

For decades, the medical profession has favoured treatment over prevention. U of T's Dalla Lana School of Public Health is setting out to change that thinking

Healing the Heart

Specially engineered tissue patches could help heart attack patients fully recover

Unbroken Dreams

After years of incremental progress, spinal cord repair is edging closer to reality

Illustration of a brain made of chain

Untangling Alzheimer’s

A U of T centre is hunting down the genes that cause this debilitating brain illness, and moving us closer to a cure

Cancer Killer

Implant infused with drugs can treat ovarian cancer, minus the chemo side effects

Cathie Long (BA 1971 Trinity) was part of an experiment by Prof. Raymond Reilly to find a new way to treat breast cancer

A Twist of Fate

Raymond Reilly was looking for a better way to diagnose breast cancer. Instead, he discovered a new way to treat it

Pinpoint Delivery

Professor Christine Allen uses nanotechnology to ensure cancer-fighting drugs get where they need to go

Lines of Defence

Embryonic stem cell lines will give scientists new potential for curing diseases

Doctors performing surgery on seven-month-old twins Tinashe and Tinotenda Mufuka in an operating room at The Hospital for Sick Children

Miracle at Sick Kids

Zimbabwean twins Tinashe and Tinotenda Mufuka were born conjoined. A marvel of international co-operation brought them apart

Beating Kidney Disease

Endowed chairs in nephrology aim to improve lives of two million Canadians affected by kidney disease

What, Me Worry?

Anxiety affects a person's sense of life satisfaction less than depression, prof says

Exam Shy

South Asian immigrant women less likely to have regular breast examinations