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Odd Bedfellows

Rather than warning students away from Wikipedia, some professors are now embracing it

Photo of flooding in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Flood Control

As New Orleans rebuilds, U of T students are helping the city rethink its approach to water management

Safer Births

Equipping health workers in Kenya with smartphones could bring better care to pregnant women and their infants

Peer Pressure

A nursing prof is using social networks to help reduce the spread of HIV-AIDS in Ghana

Bev Bradley

Breath of Life

Bev Bradley is developing technology to give hospitals in low-income countries a more reliable supply of medical oxygen

Sara Lee

Conflict Zone

In Jerusalem, Sara Lee discovered that everything in Israel connects with the Palestinian question, even the food

Aysha Abdel-Aziz

The Universe in a Lab

Physics undergrad Aysha Abdel-Aziz is making her own unique contribution to a massive international research project

More than 800 members of the U of T community filled Convocation Hall on Nov. 20, 2011, for the official public launch of the Campaign for the University of Toronto


U of T launches a historic $2 billion fundraising campaign

Math students Keith Ng (left) and Jonathan Zung will represent U of T at the Putnam Math Competition this year (along with Alexander Remorov).

Proof of Genius

Only the very best math students excel in the prestigious Putnam competition

Image of a Canadian $100 bill under a microscope

Business Boot Camp

U of T’s “technopreneur” program gives scientists such as Mallika Das a crash course in running their own company

James Till and Ernest McCulloch

Stem Cell Pioneers

Discovery by James Till and Ernest McCulloch stands as "one of the most remarkable medical-research achievements of the 20th century"

Hamutal Dotan

Urban Explorer

Torontoist editor Hamutal Dotan seeks out stories from the underground

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Sklar

Online Media Maven

Rachel Sklar is a champion for women in the media and tech fields – and she makes a lot of people's "lists"

Land Speed Record

A bicycle that can exceed 110 km/h? U of T engineering students have designed and built one

Christopher Law

The Real World

Four alumni offer advice to graduating students about finding a job and transitioning out of university

McLuhan at the CBC in Toronto, January 1966 Photo: Henri Daumain, for Life Magazine, Courtesy of The Estate of Marshall McLuhan

Marshall’s Laws

Fifty years after the publication of his most famous works, we’re still making sense of all Marshall McLuhan had to say

Global Nerve Centre

$1.8-million campaign will revitalize U of T’s culture and technology program and build on McLuhan’s legacy

Illustration of a face made of puzzle pieces.

Mind Games

Doctors have been trying for decades to classify mental illnesses. So why do precise definitions still elude us?

Photo by Dave Brosha

Timing is Everything

Modern life is 24-7, but there may be negative consequences to defying our body's internal clock

Photo Courtesy of Donny Ouyang

The Next Internet Sensation?

Donny Ouyang, a second-year commerce student, has high hopes for his online tutoring service. The question is: Will students pay?

Photo: Keith Beaty/

Ode to Joy

Master’s student Eric Wan helped develop software that allows anyone, including people with severe physical disabilities, to make music

Trevor Crowe

Late Bloomer

A unique scholarship helps Trevor Crowe continue his education, long after he left high school

Barbara Dick

Lifelong Learning

Barbara Dick wants to ensure that grads can build on their academic experience throughout their lives

Photo of Aakash Sahney and Alexander Levy by Brent Lewin

Say the Right Thing

Student-developed app helps people with speech problems express themselves – at a fraction of the cost of other devices

Image of a tower behind a Euro symbol covered in stars

Europe’s Debt Troubles

With the markets betting on a Greek default, and the situation in Spain deteriorating, a second global financial crisis looms

Photo Courtesy of Alexandra Borowik

Vaulting to Fame

Gymnast Alexandra Borowik was one of 12 Varsity Blues athletes inducted recently into the U of T Sports Hall of Fame

Students from the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study

Opening Doors

Gifts totalling $8 million for the newly named Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study will help position U of T as a global leader in the study of early human development