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Randy Pepper with his sister Leanne at the 2009 Oxfam Canada Trailwalker. Photography by MaryAnn Jansen

Power Walker

How lawyer Randy Pepper discovered that walking 100 km in 48 hours is a powerful way to raise funds.

Madeleine Bisson

Spontaneous Success

Learning to stay in the moment gave Madeleine Bisson the key to great improv acting - and to her first film role.

The Gates Foundation challenge to Reinvent the Toilet awarded third prize and US$40,000 to U of T's team from the Centre for Global Engineering, from left: Prof. Elizabeth Edwards, team leader Yu-Ling Cheng, Samiel Melamed, Prof. Mark Kortschot, Tiffany Jung, Meagan Webb and Zachary Fishman

Frugal Thinking

How do you bring basic sanitation to two billion people in low-income countries? Inventing a toilet that works for pennies a day is a start

Frugal Fortification

A U of T nutritional scientist has developed a low-cost product to fight vitamin and mineral deficiency in developing countries

Photo of David Rosenberg.

The Sage of Bay Street

David Rosenberg warned of a financial crisis few others saw coming. So why, amid ongoing global turmoil, is Bay Street’s most noted pessimist ready to change his tune?

A Shift in Perception

Discoveries in brain science are prompting new theories about how our senses work – and how they affect our understanding of the world

Headshot of Michael Walsh in black wire-rimmed glasses, a blue collared shirt and a blue-striped red tie

A Rare Find

A book collector for more than 40 years, Michael Walsh has acquired several thousand antiquarian volumes of western philosophy

Watchful Eyes

Security cameras are everywhere. A new app invites Torontonians to help map them

Collage of two photos of George and Barbara Rooke: the left photo, in black and white, shows the couple on their wedding day; the right photo is a current one of them cutting a cake together

George and Barbara Rooke

For this Fonthill, Ontario, couple it was a match made in music. And almost 65 years later, they’re still in tune


Crispin Duenas will represent Canada in archery at the London Olympics

Subway to Mecca

The Saudi Arabian city is wrestling with a transit problem of Koranic proportions

Photo of woman with a megaphone at a protest.

Revolutionary Road

Forty years ago, an intrepid group of professors and students sparked progress for women across U of T

Past Vic One students Maria Roman (left), Alexander Pytka (middle) and Christian Julien (right)

A Vision for Tomorrow

Victoria University, the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Tanz Centre recently launched their own campaigns

Photo by Nicolle Wahl

Popular Scientist

Eugenia Duodu wins award for her research into targeting cancerous cells, and for teaching kids science

Chinese Propaganda Poster

Labour Days

Chinese propaganda posters from the 1960s celebrate work as an act of nation-building

Searching for Guan Yin

Sarah Truman travelled across China looking for the Bodhisattva of compassion. What she experienced was a change inside herself

A Most Decent Proposal

What started as a regular U of T alumni event for Jiyoung Park turned into something much, much more

U of T Idol

Second-year student Patrick Simeon is crowned champion of Hart House's tri-campus singing competition

Illustration of a computer screen window over a medical illustration of a body.

Seeing Disease

Researchers are developing better ways to detect serious illnesses before they become life-threatening – and while they’re still treatable

Northop Frye

Frye’s Anatomy

U of T’s Northrop Frye conceded that other scholars were “infinitely more accurate” than he. But he claimed to have something they lacked – genius

Celebrating Northrop

Moncton’s annual Frye Festival attracts thousands, including many distinguished authors

Illustration of a vivid night sky: a planet at the top with a figure in silhouette small at the centre.

Planet Hunters

With the discovery of hundreds of worlds around other stars, will we find that Earth is not alone in bearing life?

Kevin Lau sitting at a black grand piano in Hart House’s Music Room with Aaron Tsang and Prof. Gillian MacKay standing on either side.

Grace Under Pressure

A U of T grad student and alumnus created music for the launch of the Boundless campaign in just three weeks