
Illustration of a woman sitting at her desk in her corporate office

The Motherhood Penalty

Women pay a price for seeking more flexible jobs after having children. Good legislation won’t solve the problem – we need to look at cultural changes, too

Wen-Do expert Arij Elmi stands in a playground

Wen-Do Warrior

Arij Elmi gained the courage to speak up against racist comments after studying self-defense. Now she teaches other women to do the same

Photo of 100 female U of T students in front of a building on Parliament Hill.

Women Are in the House!

A unique U of T program that takes 100 female students to Parliament Hill aims to encourage more women to enter politics

Headshot of Margaret Addison in reading glasses.

Margaret Addison Hall

This grad devoted much of her career to supporting young women at U of T, so Victoria University named a residence after her

Farmerettes from U of T dug a few “trenches” of a different sort.

Farmerettes Help at Home

In 1917 and 1918 hundreds of U of T women spent the summers picking and packing fruits and vegetables, filling in for farmers who were away at war

Photo of woman with a megaphone at a protest.

Revolutionary Road

Forty years ago, an intrepid group of professors and students sparked progress for women across U of T

Cages of Contradiction

Women's prisons fail to offer resources for those with addictions or in abusive relationships, study finds