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Cathie Long (BA 1971 Trinity) was part of an experiment by Prof. Raymond Reilly to find a new way to treat breast cancer

A Twist of Fate

Raymond Reilly was looking for a better way to diagnose breast cancer. Instead, he discovered a new way to treat it

Beating the Odds

Drug researchers are helping to develop new weapons in the fight against cancer

Going Global

New undergraduate international-affairs magazine Globalist launches

Hats Off to Nurses

Bluma Appel's donation will provide nursing students with infectious disease training

Wikipedia Wonderboy

Victoria College alum is a daily contributor to the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia

The Infinite Library

Researchers are welcoming Google's plan to digitize millions of books, but the implications for libraries are profound

Keeping Kids Safe

Donations will help fight Internet bullying and improve welfare services for children and their families

You Say Tomato…

Retiring linguistics prof identified unique characteristics of Canadian speech

Calypso King

Jarrod Lall warms up the airwaves with sounds of the Caribbean

Dollars & Sense

Deans, directors and principals report on how your campaign money has been put to work to create a better U of T

Allison Prole

Student Affairs

Donor contributions have helped make watershed changes to the student experience. How? Here are just a few of the thousands of stories

Progressive Programs

These three campaign-funded programs are enabling U of T students to experience unique learning opportunities

A Tale of Two Campuses

Suburban knock-offs no more, Mississauga and Scarborough are rapidly emerging as distinct institutions with their own unique approaches to teaching and research

Animal Instincts

The evolution of zoology. From an ex-minister who denounced Darwin to today's research juggernaut, zoology at U of T has come a long way in 150 years. And just look where it's going now

Black and white closeup head shot of Richard Phibbs


He's snapped Victoria’s Secret models and Hollywood celebs. So why has hot New York photographer Richard Phibbs turned serious?

Evolutionary News

Different physical traits discovered between sexes of the same prehistoric species

Paths to Peace

At a time of international tension, U of T scholars are leading the search for alternatives to terror and war

A Month in the Life

As the winds of war howled early this year, here are some ways that U of T faculty, staff and students kept the dialogue going

The Next Internet

Behind the scenes, U of T researchers are finding ways to build a Net that’s not only more powerful, but a lot more human


Random House of Canada Student Award in Writing and Order of Canada inductees

Such a Long Journey

From bank clerk to writer, from obscurity to the Oprah Winfrey Show, Rohinton Mistry’s path as a writer has taken a series of unlikely turns

Reform School?

Preston Manning will deliver guest lectures in political science and Canadian Studies

A Feast of Thought

These 20 thinkers brought their stunning intellect to U of T's table and enlivened the world of ideas

The Troubled Healer

In his tireless quest to conquer contagious diseases, John Gerald FitzGerald, architect of Canada's modern public health system, sacrificed his own health – indeed, his life

Good Medicine

Alumni have been the life blood behind Doctors Without Borders

Malcolm Gladwell

There Are No Small Potatoes

To New Yorker scribe Malcolm Gladwell, little things make a huge difference. Right now, he has his eye on his next big idea – french fries

Heart & Soul

Alumni, like the 30 profiled here, have given to the campaign for diverse reasons. No matter what cause they support, their help serves one central purpose — nurturing students