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Photo by Hill Peppard

Political Insider

At Massey College, Michael Ignatieff teaches students about the hard realities of Parliament Hill

James Till and Ernest McCulloch

Stem Cell Pioneers

Discovery by James Till and Ernest McCulloch stands as "one of the most remarkable medical-research achievements of the 20th century"

Hamutal Dotan

Urban Explorer

Torontoist editor Hamutal Dotan seeks out stories from the underground

Christopher Law

The Real World

Four alumni offer advice to graduating students about finding a job and transitioning out of university

McLuhan at the CBC in Toronto, January 1966 Photo: Henri Daumain, for Life Magazine, Courtesy of The Estate of Marshall McLuhan

Marshall’s Laws

Fifty years after the publication of his most famous works, we’re still making sense of all Marshall McLuhan had to say

Illustration of a face made of puzzle pieces.

Mind Games

Doctors have been trying for decades to classify mental illnesses. So why do precise definitions still elude us?

Photo by Dave Brosha

Timing is Everything

Modern life is 24-7, but there may be negative consequences to defying our body's internal clock

Trevor Crowe

Late Bloomer

A unique scholarship helps Trevor Crowe continue his education, long after he left high school

Photo Courtesy of Alexandra Borowik

Vaulting to Fame

Gymnast Alexandra Borowik was one of 12 Varsity Blues athletes inducted recently into the U of T Sports Hall of Fame

TV's Troubled Surgeon - Photo of Caterina Scorsone by Raphael Mazzucco

TV’s Troubled Surgeon

Caterina Scorsone explores mental health issues while playing Dr. Amelia Shepherd on the show Private Practice

Caring for the Elderly

Women often look after their older relatives – for no pay. As populations age, this may have to change

Graduation Day

Alumni recall the joy, excitement – and relief – of earning their U of T degree

Students from the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study

Opening Doors

Gifts totalling $8 million for the newly named Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study will help position U of T as a global leader in the study of early human development

Samer Muscati.

The Watchman

Human rights researcher Samer Muscati helps Iraqis find justice in a nation beginning to rebuild

Illustration of an elderly person's face in puzzle pieces.

Defeating Dementia

Mark Tanz’s $5-million gift will support research into Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases

Photo of a nurse with a child in a dental practice

Fighting Tooth Decay

A new way of peering inside teeth could find lesions before they become cavities and eliminate the need for “drilling and filling”

B&W photo of a buck

Still Life

Pictures of animals through history reveal how our thinking about them has changed

Photo of Arab Spring

Arab Spring

Will the uprisings across North Africa and the Middle East usher in lasting change?

A black and white photo of Jane Brown in a white wedding gown and veil, holding a bouquet of roses, and Roger Brown, wearing a dark suit and satin tie. They are sitting in a car with the door open, smiling at the camera.

Forever Love

For Jane and Roger Brown of Midland, Ontario, first love lasted a lifetime

Sarah Wilson

Rooftop Gardener

Sarah Wilson was one of 177 graduating students to win a Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award this year for extracurricular contributions

Photo of clothes on a rack.

At Your Service

After three decades as a reporter, Caitlin Kelly enters the low-wage world of retail

Illustration by Francis Blake/Three in a Box

Odd Jobs

“The work was called ‘weekend cleanup,’ but herding dust is what we did”

Photo Courtesy of Frank Horvat

Green Keys

Frank Horvat plays piano in the dark to raise awareness of environmental issues

Illustration of a person on a maple-leaf shaped block of ice, separated from a group of people on an icy shore.

True North

What does Canada stand for now? Have we lost our international reputation as a nature-loving, peacekeeping haven for newcomers?

Illustration of a figure of a child with square shapes around them.

Understanding Autism

Scientist Stephen Scherer aims to uncover the genetic causes of an incurable neural disorder

Photo of laptops

The End of Moore’s Law?

For almost half a century, computer chips have doubled in power every 18 months. But this may not hold true for much longer, says Eugene Fiume

Tom Rand

Green Gadfly

Tom Rand has opened what he calls North America's most environmentally friendly hotel

How Big is Ford Country?

Rob Ford garnered more support downtown in last fall's Toronto election than initially thought, analysis shows