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Doctors performing surgery on seven-month-old twins Tinashe and Tinotenda Mufuka in an operating room at The Hospital for Sick Children

Miracle at Sick Kids

Zimbabwean twins Tinashe and Tinotenda Mufuka were born conjoined. A marvel of international co-operation brought them apart

Emotional Welfare

Ontario's social assistance program too complicated, impersonal, study suggests

You Say Tomato…

Retiring linguistics prof identified unique characteristics of Canadian speech

Restoring One Spadina

$1-million gift from a Toronto businessman will help create a state-of-the-art academic facility

Heart and Soul

$1-million gift in honour of bank chairman will support scholarships at Rotman

Beating Kidney Disease

Endowed chairs in nephrology aim to improve lives of two million Canadians affected by kidney disease

Calypso King

Jarrod Lall warms up the airwaves with sounds of the Caribbean

The Iceberg Cometh

Ocean tides dislodged huge Arctic icebergs, contributing to climate cooling thousands of years ago

The CEO’s Dilemma

A U of T institute believes companies can be socially responsible without sacrificing profits

Breathing Underwater

Joe MacInnis has spent his life exploring the world's oceans. Now he wants to save them

Two students in white forensic suits digging a hole in the ground in a cordoned off area

The Real CSI

Students in UTM's forensic science program learn quickly that art does not always imitate life