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Photo of Graham Collingridge in a lab

When Memory Fails

Understanding how we learn and make memories will lead to better treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, says Brain Prize winner Graham Collingridge

Two photos shot in a studio against a light grey background: Kinnon MacKinnon (left), in a white and grey-polka-dotted short-sleeved, button-up shirt and black-framed glasses with a tattoo on his left bicep, and Cassandra Williams, in a black T-shirt with a white print illustration, wearing a lip ring and her long brown hair draped over one shoulder.

Generation T

For trans students at U of T, the fight for rights and equality is about much more than just washrooms

Redefining Gender

These days, talking about sex and gender can involve a lot of specialized terms. Here’s a guide

Illustration of a laptop with gene sequencing on the screen.

The Gene Editors

U of T scientists are using a powerful new technology to alter DNA and possibly cure disease

How CRISPR works.

How CRISPR Works

Proteins and RNA all play a part in this age-old defense against invading viruses

Illustration of a line of diverse, colourfully dressed people


Meet six U of T alumni, faculty and staff members whose stars are shining brightly on social media

Photo of Jonathan Sun speaking into a microphone

Loving the Aliebn

Jonathan Sun tweets funny, heartfelt – and often misspelt – observations about what it means to be a 21st-century human

Photo of a pink, leather bag

In the Pink

Anabela Piersol showcases independent clothing designers, as well as her own lovely creations

Photo of exterior of School of Continuing Studies

Keep Learning

U of T’s School of Continuing Studies is a powerful engine of opportunity

Profile photo of Jessica Phillips

Antarctica Bound

Rhodes Scholar Jessica Phillips wants to help protect the continent’s ecosystem – and its penguins

Ruling the Pool

Olympic-bound Kylie Masse’s extraordinary ascent to the top of women’s swimming

Photo of a electric car charging station.

Carbon Busters

How can Toronto reduce its greenhouse gas emissions? Munk School students propose the ways

Photo of Boy George


New honorific is for people who don't want to reveal their gender

Prof. Jooyoung Lee (left) with rapper Big Flossy

Rap Dreams

Where gangs rule, hip hop is a strongly positive force for youth, study finds

Designed for forests, the

Making Camp

U of T prof’s designs let campers sleep over wetlands or high among trees

A man surveys the rubble in Guangzhou, China

Cities in Ruins

Prof. Tong Lam's photographs depict urban decay in Asia, and the parallels between security and surveillance in east and west

Photo of Susan Bissell

The Children’s Crusader

One billion kids experience violence worldwide each year. Susan Bissell has devoted her life to ending the abuse

Photo of Alexandra Risen

Nature and Nurture

Alexandra Risen untangles her parents' painful past and her wild garden in a new memoir

The Archaeologists (cover)

Portrait of a Serial Writer

By releasing his new book, chapter by chapter, online, author Hal Niedzviecki can interact with readers to learn what they like -- and what they don't

Mary Elizabeth Picher, co-founder of Wholeplay, with her son.

Parenting Guide

Mary Elizabeth Picher helps new parents better understand how little ones learn and grow

Illustration of woman's face surrounded by Toronto city scape and symbols of career opportunities

Life after Grad School

As more PhD graduates seek work outside of academia, U of T is creating opportunities for these highly knowledgeable students to develop professional skills

Illustration of a blue shirt with white clouds, a green striped tie, and a joint being smoked

High Time?

When it comes to legalizing marijuana, drug and public health experts caution that “the devil is in the details”

Black and white photo of the cast of Daffydil Night, class of 4T9

Those Things We Do

Relive some of the wonderful, and occasionally weird, traditions that occur only at U of T

Photo of Toronto skyline at night with CN Tower and Convocation Hall.

Toronto Higher

Toronto’s universities are working together to make the region an even better place to live, work and study

U of T students Alex Boross-Harmer (left) and Megan D’Souza at the new Mental Health and Physical Activity Research Centre

Lift Weights to Lift Mood

U of T opens one of the first research facilities in the world to integrate the study of physical activity and mental health

Artist rendering of newly redesigned U of T Mississauga's North Building

Northern Renaissance

U of T Mississauga's North Building will house humanities, social sciences and provide a "backdrop for campus life"