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Illustration of a unicorn with dollar signs above its head.

The Business Unicorn

Companies that attain a $1-billion market valuation before their 10th year are vanishingly rare

Photo of many types of sugar in piles.

Sugar Rush

Foods that seem healthy often aren’t, and sugar is the latest culprit

Photo of Toronto skyline over Gardiner Expressway.

Sky Line

Gondolas for the lakeshore: U of T students share their award-winning transit vision

From left to right: Prof. Stan Zlotkin, Prof. Yu-Ling Cheng, Prof. Joseph Wong, Mimi Liu, Hayden Rodenkirchen, Kay Dyson Tam, Poornima Vinoo, Tameka Deare, Anandan Sundarmurthy (Prakti Manufacturing Director), and Dr. Mouhsine Serrar (Prakti Founder and CEO) at Prakti’s clean cook stove factory in Chennai, South India.

Healthier Cooking

U of T students are collaborating with an Indian social enterprise to reduce the health hazards of indoor smoke

Anna Nicolaou shared her financial expertise with The Globe and Mail’s newsroom

Incredible Impact – in Media

U of T’s Fellowship in Global Journalism is the first program in the world that specifically trains professionals and academics to be reporters

Banting's letter to his mother, written with his left hand.

Letter from the Front

A note home from Captain Frederick Banting illustrates soldiers’ tendency to downplay injuries and hardship

University of Toronto Archives B1975-0015/010P (11) or (38)

An Artist at War

A sculptor by profession, Frederick Coates, who also taught at U of T, used his modelling skills to help surgeons rebuild shattered faces

Farmerettes from U of T dug a few “trenches” of a different sort.

Farmerettes Help at Home

In 1917 and 1918 hundreds of U of T women spent the summers picking and packing fruits and vegetables, filling in for farmers who were away at war

Photo of John McRae and Bonneau the dog.

Animals, the Forgotten Warriors

Millions of animals served on both sides of the conflict. Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae developed close bonds with his horse Bonfire and dogs Bonneau and Mike

Photo of the Anti-Toxin Lab.

Waging War on Infection

In 1914, 32 per cent of the British wounded contracted tetanus. The British and Allied command looked to the University of Toronto for help

Gas rattle at Soldiers’ Tower.

Objects of Salvation

In the trenches the only criteria for alarm devices were that they be loud and distinctive – but as a bonus, rattles didn’t require use of the lungs

Photo of Sally Armstrong.

Woman’s Time

Around the world, there’s a shift happening for women and girls, says activist Sally Armstrong

Photo of Wilfred Ip (centre) and others on the run.

Sweet Legacy

The University of Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Diabetes Association carries on a proud U of T tradition

Photo by Heather Pollock

A Woman on the Run

As her 50s approached, Margaret Webb set out to run her fastest-ever marathon… and write a book about aging and fitness

Photographer John Simone, and on the left with Michael Musto at Tunnel Club in 1987

Party Out of Bounds

In the late 1980s, photographer John Simone captured New York City's outrageous counterculture on film

Joanne Cave, Connor Emdin and TK. Photo by Jacklyn Atlas

12 Inspiring People from U of T

A celebration of unique, extraordinary and record-breaking feats and facts from the University of Toronto's 187-year history of learning and discovery

A sheet of paper with an illustration of a crown, inserted into a typewriter adorned with a yellow ribbon, colourful confetti falling from above

Canada’s Next Top Author

How a creative-writing program that admits just seven students a year is cultivating the country’s next generation of literary giants

A Big Step Forward

The Ontario and federal governments have signalled a serious commitment to globally competitive research excellence

Photo of Tamara Mitchell with young students.

OISE’s New Direction

Education faculty to more than double the size of its graduate programs in teacher education, eliminate BEd by 2015

Photo of John Fraser.

Farewell to the Master

Outgoing Massey College master John Fraser decodes the unusual traditions and unique contributions of U of T’s only graduate college

Photo of Mark Weisdorf.

“Innis Was My Oasis”

Mark Weisdorf took no classes at Innis, but the college's Town Hall became the heart of his U of T community

Photo of a bowl of mustard seed and a liquid.

A Spoonful of Mustard

First-year student discovers a potential new treatment for malaria that could be as close as your kitchen cupboard

A man working in a kitchen washing dishes.

Labour Troubles

Canada’s temporary foreign workers program needs a rethink, says immigration expert Jeffrey Reitz

Photo of Vera Belazelkoska.

The World in a City

Beautiful portraits of U of T grads are part of Cosmopolis -- a unique project to celebrate diversity in Toronto

Photo of Ashley Rodgers

World Changer

Katharine Hayhoe is one of the world’s top voices for climate action

Courtesy of Adrian Marquez

In Vino Veritas

An anthropology degree adds depth to Adrian Marquez’s work as a sommelier

Illustration of a woman in a force field protecting from oncoming blackness.


Drug-resistant infections are a man-made problem. Is it one we can solve?

Job Ready

U of T is developing new programs to help students succeed after graduation